Egemen Bagis, Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator, attended the meeting of "Izzetpasa Advisory Council" arranged by AK Party Sisli District Representative. After this meeting, Bagis inaugurated the Ayazaga election contact office with Emin Haberdar AK Party Sisli Mayor Candidate.
In his speech, Bagis said that in Sisli there are activities exaggerated by media but that they cannot see a concrete service.
Bagis added that they expect a service in every place in Sisli without a discrimination among the people who've voted for them or not and whether they are Easterner or from Black Sea Region, Alewi or Sunnis, Armenian or Jews.
Stating that they have solved chronical problems throughout Turkey, and determined to solve those occurring in Sisli also, Bagis reminded that they have nominated Emin Haberdar in the local elections as a Sisli Mayor candidate. Indicating that Emin Haberdar will deal with the problems of all citizens living in Sisli, and will meet their needs, Bagis continued "Emin Haberdar is our nominee so that he should serve you, not he should be popular and your landlord. As Ataturk says; you can't be the landlord of citizens but you should be the servant of them. The greatest award is love for your country."
Telling that the whole world is talking on economic crisis, and that Turkey is the only country which doesn't have to inject money in banking sector, Bagis said "The banks used to have "duty loss" before our ruling. Since the ruling governments prior to us didn't know how to administrate, and managed to siphon off well, all the banks used to make losses. The banks in Turkey have been profiting for 6 years. What caused this change? They suddenly made profit. Because the siphon off is over."
Stating that banks went bankrupt all over the world, in America, England, and Dubai, Bagis asked, "Have you ever heard of a bank going bankrupt in Turkey in the last 6 years?"
Expressing that they have sympathy for the people with complaints, safeguard public's needs, Bagis said that the government has power means the public has power.
Minister of State Egemen Bagis continued his speech as follows:
"The rise of a nation means the rise of the state. This is our perspective. We are here for you. We know that the moment we ignore you, is the moment we lose your complaisance, love and affection and we are sure you won't vote for us and you shouldn't do so. Don't forgive us if we get apart from you like others because we have to be a good model for next generations."
Pointing out that they are a political movement receiving 17 million votes, Bagis said that they have faced to many difficult situations but continued to serve their country. Indicating that there is a two-month-time ahead, which will define the future and end up siphon offs, Bagis said:
"Now that AK Party has succeeded in we also want to succeed in Sisli. We want to see Sisli in the place it deserves. We have a leader, a Prime Minister who loves his nation, who has sleepless nights as a result of tiring days, but who protects his nation's prestige and honour at all costs.
We want Erdogan's "Davos Act" in Sisli, which is supported and applauded in England, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran, Belgium, in the East and the West, in Russia, in China. Some impertinent people say "the Prime Minister played up to Turkish voters in the local election race. When he left the table in 17th of December, 2004 EU Summit, did he play up to the voters too? While the photos of world leaders were being taken for the family photo in Brussels, did Tayyip Erdogan again play up to the 29 March elections while refusing to step on Turkish flag by saying "I won't step on my flag" and then grabbed it and put it into his pocket while the other leaders were on the platform to have their pictures taken? We don't focus on the elections, but the next generations."