Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came together with the newly appointed ambassadors at a lunch which took place at Prime Minister's Official Residence. Mr. Egemen Bagis, Vice Chairman of AK Party also participated to the event. Prime Minister held a speech where he wished success to the new ambassadors and underlined that they should represent Turkish Republic best in the countries they will go.
Prime Minister addressed the new ambassadors who will be in charge in European countries that their first responsibility is to try their best on Turkey's EU membership process and stated "I believe that you will struggle densely with attempts that try to prevent or dilute this process or to delay or scoop it"
Mr. Egemen Bagis made an evaluation after the lunch where he stated that our ambassadors will be the bridge between Turkey and EU member states as Turkey is walking through the path of membership and wished them success with their new duties.
Mr. Bagis stated that Turkey now has an active foreign policy with AK Party government and emphasized the multi-dimensional aspects of the Turkish foreign policy. Bagis also underlined the importance of the economic improvements as well as political improvements. Bagis also mentioned the target of the Prime Minister Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, where he said "Turkish Republic will be one of the biggest 10 economies in the world on the 100th anniversary of the foundation of our Republic." He added that as the ruling party, AK Party is working in Turkey and abroad very efficiently in order to be able to achieve this goal.